8-12 Kadima, Confirmation, Madrichim Program
Kadima - 8th & 9th Grade
Kadima (meaning “Go forth!” in Hebrew) explores concepts in Jewish spirituality. The Kadima teacher facilitates, but does not lead discussions. Each week, a new spiritual concept is introduced and the Kadima students discuss its relevance to their lives as teens. Topics include such concepts as oneness, peace, discernment, choices, gossip, and sacredness. These are fascinating discussions that help our teens understand Jewish spirituality through a unique lens. Kadima meets for 14 1-1/2 hour sessions on various Sundays October through March.
Confirmation - 10th Grade
Confirmation students focus on a dynamic inter-generational interview project entitled “Humans of CBHT.” Students learn to conduct in-depth interviews with congregants and to discern what Jewish values and lessons can be gleaned from the congregant's life experience. At the conclusion of the year, the class leads a Shabbat service where they share the results of their interviews enabling the congregation to know one another on a deeper level. Students meet for 14 1-1/2 hour sessions various Sundays from October through March.
Madrichim Program
Available to students in 8th-12th grade who have completed our (or similar) K-7 Jewish educational program, the Madrichim Program enables teens to work on Sunday mornings in Religious School as teaching aides and tutors. This is an ideal opportunity for students to stay connected with, and be role models for, their religious school community while gaining meaningful work experience. In order for students to be in Madrichim Program, they must participate in Kadima, Chibur, Confirmation, or Acharai. Madrichim serve as volunteers their first year, and are paid a weekly stipend thereafter. Candidates for Madrichim must apply with the Religious School Director.