Gan Yeladim (Kindergarten) – Our Kindergarteners get to engage in a year of learning about Torah and ritual through art, cooking, and drama. Through developmentally appropriate hands-on learning, our students engage with history and community in the year that serves as a connection between preschool and grade school.
1st - 2nd Grade Judaics
Our 1st – 2nd grade Judaics curriculum is based on the Chai Curriculum, designed by the Union for Reform Judaism to help our students explore the concepts of Torah, Avodah (Prayer), and G’milut Chasadim (Acts of Lovingkindness) over the course of the six years leading up to the b’nai mitzvah years. The curriculum spirals upward, so that over time, their understanding of these three concepts grows in depth and complexity over time. What follows are the focuses of the curriculum, according to the year they are taught:
- 1st Grade – The Book of Genesis (B’reishit)
- 2nd Grade – The Book of Exodus (Ba’midbar)
Music – Each week in Religious School, we open our day in song during a part of our day we call “Kehila Tephila” (community prayer). Students, teachers, madrichim (teaching assistants), and parents join together in joyful songs (and often dance!) to get our day started right!