Caring Community Circle Details
Caring Community Circle Details
Caring for one another is our obligation!
The Torah commands us to perform g'milut chasadim—deeds of loving kindness. So, in a sense, we are all members of Beth HaTephila’s Caring Community Circle.

The CBHT Caring Community’s Vision is of a congregation where people support and care about one another and are able to participate fully in their community.
Our purpose is to make a positive impact on the lives of our congregants and their families by creating and providing a personal touch that enhances well-being and inspires them to stay connected.
- Bakers/ Meal Trains – We provide home prepared meals to congregants in need of short term support (such as recovering from surgery, birth of a new baby, etc.) through the electronic Meal Train sign up. Volunteers receive a Meal Train notification to their email, and then may elect to enter their name, choose a date, and fill in what they are offering to bring to the congregant. We also have a special program using Sign Up Genius that allows volunteers to sign up and say what they are bringing to a Shiva or other service where the congregant just needs sweets/savory items.
- Bikkur Cholim (Caring for the Sick) – This team visits our congregants at home, in the hospital, in rehabilitation, in nursing facilities, or in hospice. We visit/phone with our older homebound seniors to keep them connected. Following the command, “love your neighbor as you would yourself,” we assist in small tasks that allow our congregants to age in place. We even have a special four-legged volunteer, Gracie (a registered therapy dog), who is willing to make visits to those in need of some furry comfort.
- Kehila (Caring through Connection) – We mail cards and use email to connect to our members in need, such as those healing from an illness or surgery, to let them know we are thinking of them, and that they’re in our hearts and prayers.
- Knitters and crocheters – CCC has been blessed with members who are willing to craft beautiful healing shawls for those facing a serious illness or the loss of a loved one. We offer small crocheted kippot (hats) and soft baby blankets to celebrate the arrival of our newest, littlest congregants.
- Nechama (Consoling the Bereaved) – The most meaningful acts you can perform for a family that has lost a loved one. We facilitate holding space to share stories or peaceful quietude that compliments the spiritual service. We set up and clean up for the Shiva meal, provide sweets and savory items, coffee, water, and/or soft drinks. We can also assist the family in arranging for seudat havra’ah (the condolence meal) following the funeral or memorial service in Dave Hall or at the home.
- Chevra Kadisha (Burial Society) – This is a very special team. This is the preparation for burial of our family members and friends. We work together with Congregation Beth Israel to provide tahara (ritual body washing) and shomrim (guardians). You can be trained on-site. This is the last loving act you can do for this person and their family.
- Simchas (Celebrations) – This team often overlaps with other teams, such as Bakers, Kehila, and Nechama. We remember our young people while they are away from home, welcome new babies to the family, provide meals when needed, support conversions, and send cards of congratulations for special occasions.
Fri, February 14 2025
16 Sh'vat 5785
Contact Cindy
Copyright Congregation Beth HaTephila 43 N. Liberty St, Asheville, NC 28801
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